Tuesday 6 March 2012

London's Big Egg Hunt 2012

Two Years ago it was The Elephant Parade, this year in the lead up to Easter it's an Egg Hunt!! Over 200 eggs designed by many artists scattered around London, fortunately in the Zone 1 area compared to everywhere with the elephants!

There's also an Egg based on Where's Wally that moves around London, fortunately I've found him thanks to my friends on Day 3 ^.^ 

This is a very fun and fit activity to do which is free!! (o^^o) it's also great to do with friends and family, good way to bond

Problem I'm finding with the eggs, they will not only be on a Stand, they'll also be hanging/ suspended in the air, so you'll have to literally keep you eyes peeled and search high & low!

All for charity, if you text the code on each plaque with the egg, you also get put into the prize draw of winning the 500g Faberge Egg worth £100,000 

Happy Hunting to those taking part!! I've already managed to find over 100 eggs after 4 trips out, I'm going to do my best and get as many as I can!!


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