Sunday 5 September 2010

21st Century Style of Religion

Sundays - the day of rest, day before back to office, family day; however you make your Sundays. I decided to join my friends to check out this event happening in the Apollo Theatre in Victoria, where they show the musical “Wicked”. Peggy was telling me that this is going to be an opera. I thought, why not give it a try as she said in her message it was called “Jesus the Rock Opera”

So as we went into the theatre, I couldn’t believe the venue was really packed in the stalls that is as the balcony was closed. I really didn’t know what I got myself to check out-it was actually Church but with a modern twist. They had a band performing on stage, playing and singing Christian rock songs, pretty catchy I must say, the Vicars didn’t look like the typical old man with the Roman collar, two men more modern preachers

Now this Opera, I was so mislead, it was more a musical! But the performances were pretty good, story of Jesus the disciples, Judas, the Romans and the Crucifixion in 60s dressed costume and modern songs Such as their on take of that’s not my name for Peter denying he knew Jesus, and a Jason Maraz cover, there were a few more but I forgot. I have to admit all those who took part in the performance did a really good job.

I can see why my friends attend The Hill Song Church; it’s quite enjoyable, compared to the traditional Church and singing old hymns with the Organ and having the Holy Communion and such, definitely more modern way of preaching.

This doesn’t make me convert; I will admit it was an interesting experience, but I’m not religious and it isn’t really my cup of tea, so this was a one off thing in the exploring for me this year. 

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