Monday 5 September 2011

Vanity of social photography

Most my friends know I enjoy taking photos of a night out. 

A friend last week laughed as she noticed I've still been using the same camera, that big with shutters that stick- my lovely Panasonic Lumix, 6x optical zoom, 6 years old, 4 megapixels and runs on AA batteries and has survived a lot, including a very sweaty Lost Prophets gig one Summer as well as being dropped from my clumsy drunken nights (^.^)  

 I replied to my friend, saying "if it ain't broke, no point in getting a replacement yet" which is true.

But last month I've taken photos at little partying social gatherings, and have had to delete up to 8 from Ye Olde Facebook; because friends said they look awful in them. Ok fair enough, but to be honest they weren't that awful.  

I am the type of person to do paparazzi styled photography- catching people in the moment, natural occurring scene. Can work at times, jolts people's memories, can be funny! 

I have seen photos of me friends have photographed and damn I did not look the best, oh well I get over it and carry on. But some people they just comment on the photo of message me saying "delete please". It is effort trying to find which photo they're on about.

Will put some photos on this blog when I get a bit more time! ^.^

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