Wednesday, 5 September 2012

A new love of outdoor activities

For the past year I have started getting into rock climbing, though more precise bouldering. A bit of a different form of activity to the usual gym or running. 

Thanks to my friends who roped me into climbing again, as they took on the Social deal that was happening beginning of the year, I decided to join them! Now kind of hooked!

We mostly climb in Bermondsey's Arch in the Biscuit Factory. I prefer this branch compared to the one in London Bridge as it is bigger, lighter and airy. 

On the weekend just gone I somehow got roped into getting some climbing shoes! It was quite funny especially as it felt like I was going to buy school shoes with my friends & finding out my proper shoe size! (^.^)

This week I have go even more hooked with climbing as behind my work Walkers were doing a campaign launch of their new crisp, they built a temporary high climbing wall!

Since Monday till today I had climbed on my lunch break! ranging from 18m to 22m walls on the crisp, I thought why not! I now have my own climbing shoes, put good use to them and get many bags of free crisps! hehehe :P

I managed to conquer the 18m wall but still not good enough to reach the top with the 22m - forearms just tired out 3/4 way up the wall. Top rope is challenging and it doesn't help that the holds on the wall were turning >:(

I don't want to climb too often that I'll get hench on the upper body! After this weeks climbing, a grazed elbow grazed knee and calluses building up on my hand, I need to take it easy! hehe

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