Thursday 10 May 2012

Shifting into gear with the Fashion Career

So this year career wise it had been quite grey and full of uncertainty. Fortunately when it came to February, fashion week was round the corner and good timing, Wendy managed to get me in at Daks to be an assistant for 2 weeks helping out press and the design team. Sure some of it involved mundane tedious jobs but at least it kept me busy and I was getting a bit of income from it.

Fortunately after my 2-week stint, my recruitment agency managed to find me a temp tech job over in Camden with a supplier so at least it’s something related to my specialism, keeping my foot in there whilst finding the permanent job.

Few months later, still temping with the Supplier in Camden few rejections after interviews and no call backs from excessively flinging my CV to the vacancies it got frustrating. There were jobs that really caught my eye however I was still Junior or lacked experience in the Retail environment to work for a brand. The supplier where I had been temping at offered me a job; however there was another job I had my passionate eye on – All Saints.

I was so so determined to land this Job, sure the pay wouldn’t have been as much as the Supplier, but I was sick and fed up with working for a Supplier environment and wanted to get my foot into working for a brand, but how could I if nobody would employ me?!

When I told my mum about the dilemma, she was saying take the job with the higher pay – The Supplier. But I really didn’t want a permanent role with the company; I knew there would be no progression and the product is very dull for me – mature womens jerseywear

Where as working with a brand, I am working as the customer, and get to work with a collection and can see the process of the collection grow and develop. Whereas with a Supplier, it’s just an order of the type of style the Retail Buyers have placed an order on, sure they may change the colourway and print, but you don’t see a proper collection.

Fortunately there was light at the end of the Tunnel, I finally been offered a job at a company I feel I’ll be passionate towards, sure, it’s only contract but at least it’ll be good experience and a step into the retailer environment! ^.^ 

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