Tuesday, 14 August 2012

I hate Tuesdays

Garfield is not a Monday person. Personally I don't mind Mondays, Tuesdays on the otherhand I hate.

This morning was definitely one of those bad days- oversleeping for work as I am still having a rough time sleeping due to the wonders of coughing fits (lurgy). Took me only half an hour to get ready which is good, bad thing was whilst on the bus, was stuck in the joyful ruch hour traffic (-.-). Worst part of the journey, I was still half asleep so getting off the bus I didn't realise my phone dropped out of my pocket until I was near the office to work.

So half an hour late into the office, fortunatley was not too manic but this is
definitely not been a good morning. Post fit meeting had to ring the good old phone provider to block the phone & Sim card, replacement will cost me £72 (not what I really wanted to have spent before midday ~.~) but had to be done.

Come lunch time ready to eat, half my lunch falls out of the fridge onto the floor... I want my bed

Worst Tuesday *sigh* severe bad day